Become a Disciple: Acts 2:42-47

Weekly Bible Devotional “Change the World: Become a Disciple” October 20, 2019   Adventure Quest: What is one thing you can give up to live more simply?   Scripture for…

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Rescue Those in Distress: James 1:19-27

Weekly Bible Devotional Change the World: Rescue Those in Distress October 13, 2019   Change the World Quest: What are some groups in the community who rescue those in distress?…

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Heal the Sick: Luke 9:1-2

Weekly Bible Devotional “Change the World: Heal the Sick” October 3, 2019   Scripture for Sunday: Luke 9:1-2 “When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and…

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Feed the Hungry: Acts 6:1-7

Weekly Bible Devotional “Change the World: Feed the Hungry” Acts 6:1-7   Scripture for This Sunday: Acts 6:1-7 Now during those days, when the disciples were increasing in number, the…

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Welcome the Stranger: James 2:1-9

Weekly Bible Devotional “Change the World: Welcome the Stranger” September 15   Scripture for Sunday: James 2:1-9 My brothers and sisters, do you with your acts of favoritism really believe in…

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