Spiritual Growth

We recommend four main ways for growing in our faith:

Daily Practice of Centering Prayer

Visit Daily Practice of Centering Prayer or get the app which helps us open our hearts to God to transform our whole beings into the likeness of Christ. To support your daily practice of this prayer, you may join us on Thursdays at noon for a group practice of this prayer.

Weekly Worship and Sermons

Weekly worship and sermons which use Bible stories and teachings to help us pay attention to where God is working in our lives and in our world today.

Join a Study Group

Contact the church office to get connected to a study group.

Weekly Bible Devotionals

Written by Pastor Roula Alkhouri

breating under water cover

Breathing Under Water: Step 8- Payback Time

breating under water cover

Breathing Under Water: Step 7- Why Do We Need to Ask?


Breathing Under Water: Step 6 – The Chicken or the Egg?