October Message from the Pastor

October Message from the Pastor

“Change the World: Motorcycle Mantra”


The “Change the World” sermon series and discipleship adventure have been about inspiring and challenging us to live by the values and priorities of the kingdom of God which Jesus proclaimed. By listening to biblical stories and teachings, adopting a secret identity, completing discipleship quests each week, we have sought to heighten our awareness of how God is calling us to serve in the world. One helpful tip from Michael Slaughter’s book Change the World, is that of the motorcycle mantra “SEE” which stands for Search, Evaluate, and Execute. Slaughter writes, “These same three practices can ensure our faithful navigation and completion of Christ’s mission as disciples.” I hope in the next four weeks, we will continue to be intentional about these steps.


  1. Searching: This is about being willing to seek God’s wisdom each day which is not always easy because our fears and our egos often block our ability to see the world as God sees it. Sometimes we get complacent or cynical about life and end up focusing on just maintaining the status quo or being comfortable. Searching reminds us that there is always more to learn, see, and do. Slaughter writes, “We must seek first God’s perspective on everything from money to marriage…We must know where God wants us to be tomorrow to determine our course of action today. We must have vision, a clear picture of God’s preferred future, and then act on it.”
  2. Evaluate: This is about discernment. There are many voices that clamor for our attention each day. Listening to God’s voice takes mindfulness and a willingness to slow down to open our hearts and lives to God’s guidance. Evaluating our motivations, thoughts, and actions to see if they are aligned with God’s dream for the world is essential for the journey.
  3. Execute: Faith is best lived out in action. I love that we are using the images of hands and feet for this discipleship adventure because they are strong reminders to us about the importance of action. Where we go with our feet and what we do with our hands can be great tools for God’s vision to become a reality in the world.


We will have a special worship on the 27th of October to celebrate this journey and to rededicate our lives to service. I love all the sharing and energy you have put into this adventure. I pray as we continue to ponder Christ’s call to us to “Change the World” that you will be inspired to grow in the unique ways God has called you to live and to serve.


In Christ,

Pastor Roula Alkhouri



Weekly Bible Devotionals

Written by Pastor Roula Alkhouri


Close to Home: Seeking Sanctuary


Close to Home: A Home for All


Close to Home: Laying the Foundation