1946 Viewing Party

Don’t miss this opportunity to watch a thought-provoking documentary film screening exploring the tireless researchers who trace the origins of the anti-gay movement among Christians to a grave mistranslation of…

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Close to Home: Seeking Sanctuary

Weekly Bible Devotional “Close to Home: Seeking Sanctuary” December 24, 2023 Theme connections: After receiving the angel’s extraordinary news, Mary retreats to Elizabeth and Zechariah’s home to digest her new…

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Close to Home: A Home for All

Weekly Bible Devotional “Close to Home: A Home for All” December 17, 2023 Theme connections: John the Baptist’s good news sounds harsh, but he preaches a home for all—where inequities…

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Close to Home: Laying the Foundation

Weekly Bible Devotional “Close to Home: Laying the Foundation” December 10, 2023   Theme Connections: In the miraculous birth of John the Baptist, we see the foundation of what is…

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Close to Home: Seeking Sanctuary

Weekly Bible Devotional “Close to Home: Homesick” December 3, 2023   Introduction to the Theme: This Advent and Christmas we will be using the materials from the series “Close to…

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A Hidden Wholeness: Creating Circles of Trust

Weekly Bible Devotional “A Hidden Wholeness: Creating Circles of Trust” May 28, 2023 Scripture: Matthew 18:15-20 15 “If another member of the church sins against you, go and point out the fault when…

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A Hidden Wholeness: Creating Circles of Trust

Weekly Bible Devotional “A Hidden Wholeness: Creating Circles of Trust” May 28, 2023 Scripture: Matthew 18:15-20 15 “If another member of the church sins against you, go and point out the fault when…

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