The Miracle Season

Albert Einstein once wrote that “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” I pray that during these holy seasons of Advent and Christmas you will view all of life as a miracle. The word miracle means something that stimulates awe in us as it comes from the Latin word miraculum meaning to wonder at.  People often think of miracles as supernatural occurrences when someone or something ends up defying the laws of nature as we know them. But to think of miracles as events that inspire awe in us could help us see the scared in the ordinary. At the time of Jesus, some looked at his birth as a completely ordinary event, but those who had awe and faith in their hearts saw something much more powerful taking place. It all depended on their perspective. And that is why I invite you to focus on the miracles that are happening all around you during these holy seasons as we celebrate the birth of Christ. Pay attention to the people, events, and things that fill you with awe, from the kindness of a stranger to the beauty of a winter sunset. Open the eyes of your heart to see God in your daily life.

In focusing on miracles, I will be using the movie, The Miracle Season in the sermons for December. The movie is based on the life of a young woman by the name of Caroline Found. She was the daughter of Dr. Ernie Found who grew up in our church with his parents Ernie and Eleanor Found. Caroline’s tragic death in a moped accident at the age of 17 could have been the end of the line for her family and for her high school volleyball team. But a miracle happened which changed everything for them. Instead of letting her death be the only focus, they chose to live by her example of love, vitality, encouragement, and faith. They focused on the gift of having had her in their lives instead of the great pain of losing her.

I pray that the stories of our faith which we will proclaim from the Bible and from Caroline’s life will inspire and fill you with awe during this season. Take time during this busy season to pray and to pay attention to the many miracles of your life. Invite others to join you on this amazing journey to the Bethlehem of your heart. Don’t let a day go by without letting awe into your soul!

In Christ,
Pastor Roula Alkhouri


Weekly Bible Devotionals

Written by Pastor Roula Alkhouri


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